Turles is called "Thales", Trunks' name is pronounced as "Trunk", and Marron is called "Maron" ( Maron herself is named "Marlene"). Goku is never called "Kakarot" (as a result, Vegito is called "Vegeku") and the Androids are accurately called "cyborgs", but just with C's (i.e. Likewise, Gohan and Goten are called Sangohan/Son Gohan and Sangoten/Son Goten 24/7, the Saiyans are renamed to "Space Warriors" (Guerriers de l'espace) and then "Super Warriors" once they go Super Saiyan, Piccolo is renamed "Petit Cœur" (Small Heart), Kami is renamed "Tout Puissant" or "Dieu" (God, the meaning of "Kami") and although Vegeta's name is the same, it's spelled Végéta and pronounced differently (Ve-ji-tuh), hence why the "Big Green" dub decided to name Vegeta that. The dub is known for its infamous changes (which the AB Groupe dub, or the "Big Green" dub, heavily draws from), such as Goku always being called Sangoku/Son Goku. Further compounding the misfortune is that this dub's audio, visual, and script materials were what most other European countries received for their dubs of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.
#Dragon ball z battle of gods free dubbed series
Unfortunately, the dubs for the various Dragon Ball series were no exceptions.

S.O.F.I., the dubbing studio in charge of the French dubs (pre- Kai), was notorious for childish script adaptation choices, sub-par translations, frequent censorship, and cost-cutting tactics. Dragon Ball GT also first aired in the country in 1999. The series first aired in France on March 16, 1988, making it the first European country (and the second International country after Hong Kong, which aired on merely 1-2 weeks before, February 21, 1988) to dub the series.